Tight and slim after pregnancy

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Tight and slim after pregnancy: A woman’s body has to perform at its best during pregnancy. It won’t pass everywhere without a trace. Especially the skin and tissue of the abdominal wall suffer during this time. The regression does not always succeed. While many women are proud of their pregnancy dents, others cannot or do not want to make friends with them. Abdominoplasty can then help.

Healthy nutrition and a lot of sports bring the body back into shape after the pregnancy marathon. At least that’s what some new mothers wish for and accept a “side job” in the gym or sports club in addition to their everyday duties. Unfortunately, however, such measures do not always leave a lasting impression on the connective tissue. An abdominoplasty can produce a smooth appearance.

This operation is suitable for mothers who, on the one hand, have successfully fulfilled their wish to have children and who are prepared to accept the usual risks of such an operation. In addition to the general risks associated with anesthesia, these include post-operative pain, scars, possible adhesions, and edema. In addition, the costs of an operation must usually be borne by the patient. In exceptional cases, where, for example, after another major loss of weight, excess tissue causes inflammation or psychological problems, the health insurance provider will cover the costs on application.

Tight and slim after pregnancy: Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia. Depending on the extent of the operation, one to two hours is required. Usually, an incision above the pubic hairline is made for the tightening.

The complicated part follows:

Skin and fatty tissue must be separated from the underlying muscles.

Afterward the excess skin and fat are removed, the remaining skin is tightened and sutured. For major operations, the belly button may have to be cut out and moved – otherwise it would be positioned too low.

After the operation the women stay in the clinic for up to two days, the stitches are removed between the 10th and 21st day. Superficial wound healing should be completed in three weeks. Heavy lifting and carrying should be avoided for the next 6 weeks. It is therefore advisable to wait with an operation until the offspring can run reasonably independently. The final result of the operation is visible after about half a year. For this time you should exercise patience and treat scars with an appropriate gel or skin care cream.
