Biliopancreatic Diversion Turkey

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Biliopancreatic Diversion in Turkey is a special type of surgery on a gastric bypass that is not performed frequently because it is more complicated than other procedures such as gastric bypass surgery. During the operation, a large part of the stomach is removed to form a smaller stomach bag. Subsequently, the digestive system is diverted so that the food bypasses a part of the small intestine.

In Biliopancreatic Diversion in Turkey and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, there is an increased risk of nutritional deficiencies after surgery. For this reason, the treatment is not suitable for all patients. If you still want to undergo this operation, it should only be done by experienced specialists in this field. These do not necessarily have to be here in Germany. The biliopancreatic diversion is not only carried out highly professionally by experienced specialists in Turkey, but also the recovery is adapted to the medical needs of the patients. At the same time, the costs of this procedure in Turkey, which is not always covered by the health insurance, are significantly lower than in Germany.

For whom is biliopancreatic diversion suitable?

Since this variant of stomach surgery for weight loss is considered more risky than gastric band surgery, it is best suited for patients who are highly obese and have a BMI of 50 or more. In addition, patients should be prepared to make the necessary lifestyle changes required following bariatric surgery. The commitment to a healthy lifestyle is crucial for life after the procedure.

The surgical procedure for biliopancreatic diversion

Before the procedure, patients are thoroughly examined by Turkish specialists and surgeons and informed about the procedure. In addition to the physical examination, older illnesses and complaints as well as previous operations are also taken into account.

Biliopancreatic diversion is performed under general anesthesia. In most cases, the procedure is performed as an open, non laparoscopic operation. This means that a large incision is required to open the abdominal cavity.

During the operation, the experienced Turkish surgeon will reduce the size of the stomach by about 85 percent. The remaining stomach bag is larger than that produced by other stomach reduction surgery procedures, but still limits the amount of food and drink a patient can eat during a meal.

After the surgeon has reduced and reshaped the stomach bag, the small intestine is divided in the lower part. This is another difference to operations in which the small intestine is halved in the middle and not in the lower area.

After the division of the small intestine has been made, the distal illium is attached to the new stomach bag. This bypasses part of the digestive tract. As a result, the body absorbs fewer calories.

In the last step and before the abdomen is closed again, the two areas of the small intestine are attached in an area near the large intestine, further down in the digestive tract.

Version with duodenal switch

The Turkish specialists are also experienced in the variant of biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. With this technique, a larger part of the stomach, including the pylorus valve and duodenum, remains. Other gastric bypass procedures bypass the pylorus valve and duodenum. The duodenal switch approach reduces the risk of dumping syndrome after surgery. At the same time, this allows a better absorption of vitamins and minerals by allowing part of the food to digest normally in the stomach before it reaches the small intestine. Compared to other surgical methods of weight loss, such as gastric banding, duodenal surgery is generally considered to be a higher risk surgery. Whether in the classical variant or the variant with duodenal switch – the operation should be performed in the interest of the patient by surgeons who are experts in this field and have many years of experience. This is guaranteed with the operations in the special clinics in Turkey, as the doctors carry out these operations regularly.


After biliopancreatic diversion, patients should stay at home and rest for at least two weeks. During this time, patients should follow a complete diet to give the stomach time to heal. Your bariatric surgeon and his Turkish colleagues will provide you with nutritional information before the procedure to avoid undesirable side effects that may occur with biliopancreatic diversion surgery. Once you feel better, you should attend individual counseling and support group sessions to maintain a positive attitude after the surgery.

The time after the operation

Immediately after the procedure, the body may find it difficult to take in certain foods and nutrients. The Turkish specialists therefore provide the patients with high-quality vitamins and dietary supplements in the first days after the operation in order to avoid possible nutritional deficiencies. These include in particular iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamin B12, which are calculated and administered individually for each patient.


Like other bariatric surgical procedures, biliopancreatic diversion surgery is not cheap in Germany. In addition, many health insurance companies do not cover the costs of this procedure. The operation in Turkey is much cheaper. In addition to the costs and the high quality of the doctors and medical staff, the intervention in Turkey has another advantage: apart from everyday life, the body can recover better from the operation. At the same time, it is easier for patients to familiarize themselves with the change in diet.
