Butt Augmentation with Implants in Turkey

Brazilian Butt Lift BBL in Turkey Antalya Cost
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Are you not quite satisfied with your body silhouette? Especially your buttocks seem too small and also too flat? Then an butt augmentation with silicone implants is just the right thing for you! The increase in volume of your buttocks can also be combined with a Brazilian Butt Lift. The Turkish beauty specialist on site will advise you about the possibilities of such.

Our team at Aesthetic Travel in Antalya has built up contacts to renowned cosmetic surgeons for you, who perform the buttocks enlargement with implants professionally and routinely. These aesthetic plastic surgeons can look back on many years of experience in the field of buttocks enlargement, work according to the latest medical and technical standards and take into account your personal wishes and ideas regarding a beautifully and voluminously shaped buttocks.

Buttocks Enlargement: Start with an individual consultation and your personal treatment concept.

Just like any other surgical procedure, successful cosmetic surgery treatment must be well prepared. During a personal meeting with your plastic and esthetic surgeon, he or she will explain in more detail his or her suggested approach and procedure regarding buttock augmentation with implants. This is a very welcome opportunity to get to know your plastic surgeon, his team and the practice/clinic. In addition to the consultation and clarification discussion, which is also accompanied by the anaesthesia team if required, the recording of your medical history as well as some preliminary examinations take place prior to the actual surgery. Your plastic surgeon will also make sure that the use of silicone implants is the right method to give your buttocks a new harmonious contour.

Butt Augmentation with Implants in Turkey: How do Turkish plastic surgeons use implants to enlarge the buttocks?

Our cooperating aesthetic plastic surgeons in Turkey perform the procedures for buttock augmentation with implants with routine and special care. It is a self-evidence that European hygiene standards are complied with in the operating theatres.

Enlargement of the buttocks with silicone implants: Procedure and technology

For this procedure you will be placed under general anesthesia, whereby the aesthetic plastic surgeon works together with a team of experienced anesthesiologists. The surgeon uses an incision technique that leads to an inconspicuous suture in a bottom fold. The implant selected especially for you, which can be adjusted excellently in size and shape, is inserted under or into the gluteal muscle. After completion of the operation, the wound is closed with a multi-layered suture and a wound drainage is placed. Turkish plastic surgeons recommend that you stay in hospital for one night. Furthermore, your plastic surgeon will inform you in detail about the correct behaviour after the operation as well as possible side effects. After a healing phase of six to eight weeks you can enjoy the sight of your beautiful butt to the fullest.

Under certain conditions, which are tested beforehand, the butto-enlargement with implants can be combined with a Brazilian Butt Lift. Ask your Turkish plastic surgeon! He will check which variants are meaningful and promising to implement for you.

Our team at Aesthetic Travel in Antalya will be happy to arrange an appointment with your Turkish specialist for butt enlargement with implants.

On our website we also offer you other interesting topics in cosmetic surgery. For example, read more about thigh, upper arm or abdominoplasty.
