Rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid

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The nose is in the centre of the face. And so it also plays a central role in the aesthetics of the entire face.

In general, people with beautiful noses are also said to have a beautiful face. Many people have deformed noses and suffer greatly from them. Whether a hump, a nose too big or too flat. Often a nose deformity can also lead to reduced self-confidence and puts a great deal of psychological strain on the affected person.

However, an operation on the nose discourages many people, as such an operation can also have major side effects.

Therefore the desire to have a beautiful nose is with a comparably harmless and small operation is much appreciated – and possible! The solution is the hyaluronic acid nose correction.

In this method, hyaluronic acid is injected into the nose and leads to local swelling. This allows the nose to be shaped as desired. After a local anesthetic is applied, the operation can be performed and a general anesthetic is not necessary, therefore the patient is immediately fit again after the operation, a long recovery phase is not to be expected. A nose correction by injecting hyaluronic acid also has various other advantages.

The procedure only takes a few minutes, as after a local anesthetic the hyaluronic acid can be injected directly without pain. But not only the short duration but also an immediately visible result make this method very attractive for those people affected. The hyaluronic acid is built into the skin relatively quickly after injection, therefore this procedure can be repeated if desired. If you are not completely satisfied with the result of the injection, the treatment can also be reversed immediately. In this case, an enzyme can be injected which quickly degrades and removes the hyaluronic acid from the skin.

Some of the changed nasal shapes may subside again after a short time, therefore a new treatment is recommended for a protracted result. Smaller bruises and a slight swelling of the nose should be mentioned as complications. These are much less than in a conventional nose correction surgery. Major injuries to nerves and vessels, inflammations or allergic reactions are not to be expected, however.

Advantages of a nose correction with hyaluronic acid:

  • No general anesthesia necessary, local anesthesia sufficient
  • Low complication rate due to minor surgery
  • A Short intervention of only a few minutes
  • Results are immediately visible
  • Correction can be undone without any complications