Dental implant in Turkey / Antalya

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Dental implant in Turkey / Antalya

Illnesses or accidents can result in the loss of one or more teeth. For those affected, this is often very stressful and often goes hand in hand with a loss of quality of life and self-confidence. If you are affected by it and want a flawless smile, a dental implant in Turkey / Antalya is the right choice.

How does the treatment work?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is anchored in your jawbone – the actual tooth is also replaced by the implant. It is a surgical procedure that can be performed under either local anesthesia or sedation. A detailed consultation takes place beforehand. Among other things, an anamnesis is carried out here and your teeth, jawbone and soft tissue are examined for wear, caries and misalignments. The professional dental team can then start planning the procedure.

Dental implants can only be placed if the oral flora is healthy. Another requirement is that you have sufficient bone substance. After inserting the artificial tooth root, the deep healing phase begins. This lasts between 3 to 6 months – during this time you will receive a temporary denture. After complete healing, the construction of the implant begins. Now bridges, crowns or fixed prostheses are worked into your jaw. Several treatment steps are therefore necessary for a dental implant in Turkey / Antalya.

What are the advantages of a dental implant in Turkey / Antalya?

A dental implant is the ideal alternative to a conventional prosthesis. The main advantage is that the implants have a much longer shelf life and are not visible to outsiders. Since the materials used are biocompatible, there is no risk that the dental implant will be classified as foreign by your body. The chewing comfort with the implant is very similar to that with real teeth. In addition, the implants can be cared for like real teeth. There are numerous dental implant specialists in Turkey. In addition, the latest technologies are used. Another decisive advantage are the significantly lower costs than in UK.

The dental implant in Turkey / Antalya: what are the costs?

If you decide to have treatment in Turkey, the costs are much lower than in UK. Dental implants in Turkey / Antalya cost as little as 500 euros. The costs are lower because the cost of living is generally cheaper here. Therefore, you don’t have to worry that the cheap price is related to inferior quality. In UK, however, 1,000 to 5,000 euros quickly become due per dental implant.
