Male-to-Female Gender Reassignment

Male to Female Gender Reassignment –Performed in Turkey antalya cost price
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Male-to-Female Gender Reassignment – The Most Common Questions :

How Does the Surgery to Form a Vagina Performed in Turkey?

The neovagina is formed between the intestines and the bladder. With the so-called invagination method, the neovagina is lined with the everted skin of the penis shaft. In most cases, a transplant of the scrotum skin is also used. In addition, a neovagina that is as deep and wide as possible is created. This is to avoid putting tension or strain on the vagina itself. This also applies to the area of the pubic mound, clitoris and urethra.

Would it be advisable to undergo permanent hair removal in the intimate area for hygienic reasons before the first operation? In general, depending on the amount of body hair, permanent hair removal makes sense. However, it is not a requirement.

It’s Hard to Imagine How Many Surgeries It Takes to Get the Final Result. Some Speak of Two or Three Surgeries?

The regular operations take place with two planned interventions. There is usually a gap of a few months between the two operations. This will be discussed in advance with the Turkish medical team. The first operation involves the removal of the penis and testicles. The neovagina is formed. The neoclitoris is formed from the glans and the urethra is shortened accordingly. The labia correction takes place with the second operation. The vaginal entrance is widened and then the pubic mound is built up. It may be possible that a third surgery is necessary for a correction. Two surgeries are usually considered.

How Much Time Should Be Allowed for Hospitalization in Turkey?

For the first operations, approximately 14 days should be planned with a stay in the clinic for monitoring and healing. At the second procedure, 6 or 7 days. Optionally, the stay in the clinic can be extended with relaxing days directly with a hotel on the beach. Recommendations can be found on our homepage.

Is It Difficult to Imagine How the Clitoris Is Formed?

The clitoris is formed at the base of the glans. The vascular-nerve bundles of the glans were preserved. Some of these are used as a clitoris, which is visible from the outside.

When Can I Go Back to Work After the 1st and 2nd Operation or Go about My Daily Routine Alone?

In this case, no guidelines can be given. 4 weeks should be planned, so that an extension on site would be a good decision. However, the flight home can take place after the regular hospital duration.

Can There Be Complications After the Operation?

Problems such as wound healing disorders, infections, bleeding, etc. rarely occur. Symptoms that can generally occur during operations. Injuries to the bladder, bowel or urethra can occur during sex reassignment surgery. An extremely rare case. However, help can be provided quickly on site. The risks are no higher than with any other operation. A detailed informational discussion will also take place on site.

Does the Ability to Have an Orgasm Survive at all?

Sexual feelings can change. General predictions cannot be made. The inability to have an orgasm after the surgery is an extremely rare case. The very positive experiences are the rule.

Male-to-Female Gender Reassignment
