Weight Loss Surgery Turkey – Prices, Costs & Procedure

Weight loss surgery in Turkey, Antalya: With a stomach surgery in Turkey, Antalya, you can get rid of all your burdens. Take the first step!

Weight Loss Surgery – Costs: from £2,390!


A New Lease of Life after Weight Loss Surgery in Turkey

Many people can start a new life with weight loss surgery in Turkey. Gastric surgery allows individuals to control, reduce, and maintain their weight, improve their appearance, and achieve a completely new lease of life. However, reaching this state requires several steps that can lead to a carefree life in the long term.

Weight Loss Surgery in Turkey: Gaining a New Lease of Life

Since severe obesity often brings pain and frustration, many consider gastric surgery the last resort for changing and improving their lives. In Turkey, providers often offer this procedure as an all-inclusive package. This package covers accommodations, travel planning, care, and transfer services, along with pre- and post-surgery consultations and care, follow-up appointments, diagnostics, and laboratory costs.

Weight Loss Surgery Costs in Turkey

The desired procedure, the surgeon’s experience, and the patient’s individual needs determine the cost of weight loss surgery in Turkey. Gastric surgery costs start from £1,790. However, the type of operation can affect the prices.

A Sleeve Gastrectomy in Turkey package, including four nights and a vitamin package, starts from £2,390. The price for a Gastric Bypass in Antalya begins at £2,990, and starting prices for the Gastric Band are from £4,290. Providers include a Gastric Balloon procedure with two nights stay starting from £1,790 in Turkey.

All-Inclusive Package for Weight Loss Surgery in Turkey

Often linked with pain and frustration, severe obesity makes weight loss surgery a crucial option to transform and enhance life. Providers in Turkey commonly offer this surgery as an all-inclusive package, covering accommodations, travel planning, care, and transfer services. The package also includes consultations, care before and after the surgery, follow-up appointments, diagnostics, and laboratory costs.

Weight Reduction and Health: Why Weight Loss Surgery in Turkey is a Good Option

The comprehensive service package makes undergoing weight loss surgery in Turkey a sensible choice, bypassing the lengthy battles with local health insurances. Acting quickly is vital to prevent health risks, as weight reduction and health are closely connected.

Weight Loss Surgery in Turkey at Aesthetic Travel

Bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery) represents a major medical procedure. Severe heart or lung disease may disqualify you from this surgery due to the risks associated with surgery and general anesthesia.

A history of multiple abdominal surgeries might complicate the procedure due to potential adhesions (scar tissue).

Factors such as medications or illnesses can cause obesity, and obesity can associate with eating disorders. In these cases, bariatric surgery might not offer effectiveness, leading to consideration of alternative treatments.

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There Are Various Types of Obesity – Possible Risks

In addition to the risks of general anesthesia, there are a number of potential side effects specific to bariatric surgery:

Purpose of Gastric Surgery in Turkey

The goal of gastric reduction surgery is to decrease the body’s calorie absorption, promoting weight loss and reversing/preventing obesity-related complications, such as:

  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Joint disease
  • Back pain
  • High cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Sleep apnea and other sleep disorders
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Purpose of Gastric Surgery in Turkey

Gastric Reduction for Weight Loss

In gastric reduction surgery for weight loss, the stomach is made smaller and/or the opening to the stomach is restructured to reduce the amount of food you can eat. Typically, the surgery makes overeating uncomfortable, leading to eating less. However, it’s also necessary to follow a healthy diet that is low in calories and rich in nutrients and does not lead to excessive bloating or malabsorption.

Early interventions for dealing with obesity can include diets, structured exercise programs, and intensive behavioral therapies to address and change unhealthy eating habits. If these non-surgical strategies are not effective, bariatric surgery may be considered.

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Gastric Reduction for Weight Loss

Bariatric Surgery – Gastric Reduction in Turkey

Your medical provider will explain to you the type of procedure, the location and size of the scar you should expect, and the effects and side effects you may experience after your surgery. Ask all the questions you need to feel comfortable before proceeding.

Preparation for gastric reduction in Turkey includes imaging studies such as ultrasound and abdomen scans, which can help your surgeon plan your procedure. If you have any structural anomalies, such as an ulcer or polyp, this may influence the approach your surgeon will use.

You will need to have a complete blood count and liver function tests. While abnormalities in these tests are unlikely to be a contraindication for surgery, issues such as anemia (low red blood cells) or low calcium levels will need to be corrected before your operation. Furthermore, you will require an electrocardiogram (EKG) for preoperative anesthesia evaluation.

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Bariatric Surgery – Gastric Reduction in Turkey

Professional Gastric Surgeries in Turkey

Surgical gastric reduction in Antalya, Turkey, is used as a last resort to permanently reduce and control severe obesity in individuals with morbid obesity. As medicinal therapies are largely unsuccessful in massively overweight individuals, surgery is resorted to.

The reduction of the stomach means that only a very small intake of food is possible. This is achieved by significantly reducing the stomach’s volume. An average stomach has a capacity of two to three liters. However, in cases of severe obesity, the volume of the stomach is usually increased, as it expands.

There are various procedures for treatment, and the choice of surgical method primarily depends on your eating habits and your BMI. However, the specific surgical or anesthesia risk and existing comorbidities should also be considered in the decision.

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Professional Gastric Surgeries in Turkey

Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery Turkey

The gastric reduction in Turkey through a sleeve gastrectomy in Antalya is one of the standard methods alongside the mini gastric bypass in Turkey. In the sleeve gastrectomy in Turkey, the surgeon removes a large portion of your stomach, leaving the remaining stomach resembling the shape of a tube. The capacity is reduced to about 80 to 150 ml. With the significantly smaller stomach volume, the patient feels full with very little food intake, thereby also reducing the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger.

A gastric surgery in Turkey/Antalya is an improvement to one’s well-being and quality of life. Naturally, it is also a decision for life. Compared to other gastric surgeries in Turkey, the sleeve gastrectomy cannot be reversed. Logically, every surgery involves risks. The most common complications can include wound bleeding or leakage, although the likelihood of these cases is very low. Increased heartburn is also possible, which can last for several months. After a gastric reduction surgery, women should not become pregnant for at least 18 months.

Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery Turkey

Gastric Bypass Surgery for Effective Weight Loss in Antalya

Advanced gastric bypass surgery by experienced surgeons in Turkey, Antalya. This procedure modifies the gastrointestinal tract by reducing and rerouting a portion of the stomach and small intestine. Also known as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, this surgery limits food intake in the reduced stomach and bypasses the digestion process efficiently. The operation significantly reduces calorie absorption and accelerates weight loss – often by 40–60% in the first year. Another benefit of gastric bypass is the reduction in ghrelin levels, a hormone that regulates appetite, leading to decreased hunger and increased satiety. This combination of reduced food intake and hormonal change makes gastric bypass an effective method for combating obesity.

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Gastric Bypass Surgery for Effective Weight Loss in Antalya

Weight Loss Surgery in Turkey – Frequently Asked Questions

See the frequently asked questions about weight loss surgery in Turkey with Aesthetic Travel. Learn everything about the procedure, the benefits, and the affordable costs in Turkey. Our website provides detailed information to help you make an informed decision about this life-changing procedure and shows how you can benefit from weight loss surgery.

Yes, it can. Because you lose weight very quickly, your skin may sag in some areas. The solution is skin tightening procedures such as tummy tuck, neck lift, arm lift, leg lift, or even a tummy tuck in combination with liposuction to give the body contour.

After an operation such as gastric sleeve surgery, you will have to wait at least 1 year for a Turkey tummy tuck

During your consultation, our staff can assess whether you are a candidate for gastric reduction surgery.

To be considered as a surgical candidate, individuals must meet the following criteria (subject to minor deviations depending on the surgical program):

  • Be between 18 and 70 years old
  • Have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or more
  • Have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 with associated health problems
  • Have made serious attempts to lose weight in the past
  • Be committed to making drastic lifestyle changes and follow-up appointments
  • Not suffer from any diseases that could cause obesity
  • Have no dependency on drugs or alcohol

Familiarize yourself with the surgery and the associated risks.

Gastric Reduction – An Effective Procedure for Weight Loss:

Fundamentals of Gastric Reduction

Gastric reduction, also known as gastrectomy, is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the size of the stomach. This procedure is a common method for treating severe obesity and is often recommended when other methods such as diet and exercise have not led to the desired success.

How Gastric Reduction Works

By reducing the stomach volume, food intake is limited. Patients feel fuller faster and thus consume fewer calories overall. This leads to significant weight loss over time. The gastric surgery can be performed either by removing part of the stomach or by inserting a medical device, such as a gastric band.

Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery

The sleeve gastrectomy, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a form of gastric reduction where a large portion of the stomach is surgically removed. This reduces the stomach to about 15% of its original size, resulting in a tube- or banana-shaped stomach. The procedure decreases the amount of food that can be consumed and leads to an earlier feeling of fullness. As part of the hormone-producing stomach tissue is removed, the feeling of hunger also changes, which can additionally aid in weight loss.

Gastric Bypass Surgery

The gastric bypass is another effective method of gastric reduction. In this procedure, the stomach is divided into a small upper pouch and a larger, unused lower part. The small intestine is rearranged to be connected to both the smaller stomach pouch and the lower part of the stomach. This leads not only to reduced food intake but also to altered nutrient absorption, as the food bypasses part of the small intestine. The gastric bypass is particularly effective for individuals with severe obesity and can lead to significant improvement in weight-related health issues.

Long-term Benefits

In addition to weight loss, gastric reduction contributes to the improvement or remission of weight-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea. Patients often report an increased quality of life and enhanced self-esteem.

Important Considerations

Both sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass surgery are serious surgical interventions that result in permanent changes to the digestive system and require a sustainable lifestyle change. Both surgeries have their specific pros and cons and should only be considered after thorough medical consultation and consideration of all risks and benefits. They offer effective solutions for long-term weight loss and can significantly improve the quality of life with proper aftercare and lifestyle adjustment.

At Aesthetic Travel, we offer among other procedures, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, and gastric balloon.

Here too, your doctor will assess the best procedure for your individual needs.

The cost of gastric reduction surgery in Antalya at Aesthetic Travel depends on the specific type of operation. Generally, you can expect that the costs of gastric reduction in Germany are much higher than the costs of gastric reduction in Turkey.

  • Sleeve Gastrectomy Turkey Costs from £2,390
  • Gastric Bypass Turkey Costs from £2,990
  • Gastric Balloon Turkey Costs from £1,790

The option of financing and payment plans for your gastric reduction is also available. Feel free to speak to our staff about the possibility of paying in installments.

Our dietitian and part of the team will provide you with a detailed diet plan. She will consult with you before and after surgery to ensure that the necessary dietary changes are made to adapt to your lifestyle change.

Psychological examinations are carried out as a routine part of your preliminary examination with us.

Because weight loss is so rapid after surgery and the skin is often not elastic enough to recover, it is common for bariatric patients to have excess skin removed later through a cosmetic surgery Turkey.

Discuss this with your surgeon.

The cost of gastric reduction surgery abroad can vary significantly, depending on the region and the clinic. Turkey has established itself as a popular destination for medical tourism, especially for gastric reduction surgery.

Gastric Reduction: Why Turkey?

Turkey is known for its high-quality medical care at comparatively affordable prices. Specialized clinics, experienced surgeons, and modern facilities attract thousands of patients annually. Moreover, many clinics in Turkey offer comprehensive packages that include the procedure, accommodation, and often postoperative care.

Price Comparison: Turkey and Other Countries

Here is a comparison table showing the average costs of gastric reduction in Turkey compared to other countries:
Country Average Costs (USD)
Turkey 3,000 – 6,000
USA 15,000 – 25,000
Germany 10,000 – 15,000
United Kingdom 9,000 – 14,000
India 4,000 – 7,000
*Prices may vary depending on the clinic and specific requirements.

Why Are Prices Lower in Turkey?

The lower cost of living in Turkey is also reflected in medical fees. The costs for personnel, facilities, and accommodation are lower in Turkey compared to many Western countries, leading to more affordable overall prices for patients.

Quality Standards and Patient Satisfaction

Despite the lower costs, Turkish clinics provide medical care that meets international standards. Many clinics are internationally accredited and have surgeons with extensive experience in bariatric operations.


Choosing Turkey for a gastric reduction can be a cost-effective alternative for patients from all over the world. However, it’s important to make the decision carefully and thoroughly research the chosen clinic and the qualifications of the surgeons to ensure that the treatment is safe and effective.
After gastric reduction surgery, it’s crucial to follow certain guidelines to ensure successful recovery and long-term results. Here are some key aspects to consider:

Dietary Changes

After gastric reduction, you will need to fundamentally change your eating habits. Initially, a liquid diet is recommended, which is then gradually transitioned to pureed and finally to solid foods. It’s important to eat small portions and eat slowly to avoid digestive issues. You should also aim for a balanced diet high in protein and low in sugar and fat.

Regular Exercise

Physical activity is an essential part of the recovery process and helps with weight loss and maintenance. Start with light exercises and gradually increase the intensity, always in consultation with your doctor.

Nutritional Supplements

Since your body absorbs less food after the surgery, nutritional supplements may be necessary to prevent deficiencies. Vitamins and minerals, such as iron, calcium, and vitamin B12, are often required.

Regular Follow-ups

Regular medical check-ups are important to monitor progress and detect any complications early. This also includes regular blood tests and possibly adjustments in diet or supplements.

Psychological Support

Gastric reduction is not just a physical but also an emotional process. Support from psychologists or support groups can help deal with the emotional challenges and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Adhering to these guidelines is crucial for successful weight loss and long-term health after gastric reduction. It’s important to view these adjustments as part of a comprehensive lifestyle change and continuously take care of your physical and mental health.
Before undergoing gastric reduction surgery, there are several important aspects to consider to optimally prepare yourself and minimize the risk of complications.

Medical Examinations and Consultation

  • Health Check: Comprehensive medical examinations are required to ensure you are suitable for the procedure. These include blood tests, cardiac evaluations, and possibly a gastrointestinal examination.
  • Consultation Sessions: It’s important to have detailed discussions with your surgeon and medical team to understand the procedure, possible risks, and the recovery process.

Diet and Weight Management

  • Dietary Changes: Often, it’s recommended to follow a special diet before the procedure to reduce weight and shrink the liver, making the surgery safer.
  • Weight Loss: In some cases, you may be required to lose a certain amount of weight before the procedure to prove your suitability for the surgery and minimize risk.

Avoiding Certain Substances

  • Smoking: Smoking significantly increases the risk of complications during and after surgery and should therefore be discontinued in advance.
  • Medications and Supplements: Inform your medical team about any medications and supplements you are taking. Some may need to be discontinued or adjusted before the procedure.

Psychological Preparation

  • Mental Preparation: Psychological counseling can help prepare mentally for the upcoming changes and challenges.
  • Support Network: Building a strong support network of family, friends, or support groups is helpful for receiving emotional support during this process.

Practical Preparations

  • Organizing Aftercare: Plan in advance how your recovery will proceed after the procedure, including organizing help at home and preparing for an adapted diet.
  • Work and Rest Time: Ensure you have scheduled enough time for recovery after the surgery and inform your employer about your absence.
By paying attention to these points and working closely with your medical team, you can best prepare for your procedure and lay the foundation for successful recovery and long-term health.
Choosing to undergo gastric surgery abroad can be driven by various reasons. Here are some of the most common factors that patients consider in this decision:

Cost Advantage

  • Lower Costs: In many countries, the costs for medical procedures, including gastric surgeries, are significantly lower than in countries like the USA or some Western European states. This can be particularly attractive for patients without adequate health insurance or those whose surgery is not covered by insurance.

Access to Specialized Treatments

  • Specialized Surgeons and Clinics: Some countries are known for their expertise in certain medical fields. Patients may therefore travel abroad to benefit from specialized surgeons and state-of-the-art medical facilities.

Shorter Waiting Times

  • Faster Appointment Scheduling: In some countries, there are shorter waiting lists for surgical procedures. Patients desiring quicker treatment may opt for surgery abroad.

Combination with Recovery

  • Medical Tourism: Many patients take the opportunity to combine surgery with a recovery stay. Some countries offer packages that combine medical treatments with recovery and tourism options.

Quality of Care

  • High Standards in Certain Countries: Some countries have an excellent reputation for the quality of their medical care, giving patients additional confidence.

Personal and Cultural Reasons

  • Language and Culture: Patients from another country may prefer to return to their homeland where they feel more comfortable with the language and culture.

Privacy and Discretion

  • Discretion: Some people prefer to have medical procedures done abroad for more privacy, especially for procedures they consider personal or sensitive.
However, it’s important to carefully weigh the decision and conduct thorough research. Considerations should include the qualifications and experience of the medical professionals, the standards of the medical facilities, potential language barriers, aftercare, and plans for dealing with complications. Careful planning and informed decision-making are crucial to ensuring the safety and success of the procedure.

After you have been admitted to our bariatric ward, the preliminary bariatric examinations will begin.

Please make sure to call us if any of the following symptoms occur:
  • Fever
  • Worsening pain
  • Redness or swelling around the incision
  • The incision feels warm
  • Discharge from the incision